Signs alcohol may be a problem in your life
You don’t have to consider yourself an alcoholic to find yourself in a problematic relationship with alcohol. Even if you don’t think it is causing problems in your life, a break from drinking can be a good time to reset, recharge and reevaluate. If the idea of a break from alcohol sends panic in your mind, then you probably need that break even more.
Attorneys struggle with alcohol and other addictive behaviors. Many maintain a “work hard, party hard” mentality - but can you work hard when you party that hard? Have you tried working hard when partying “soft?”
There are several signs that you may be drinking too much as a busy professional. These may include:
Neglecting your responsibilities at work or at home due to drinking
Drinking more than you intended to or more than you used to
Experiencing physical or mental health problems as a result of drinking
Struggling to control your drinking or feeling a strong urge to drink
Continuing to drink despite negative consequences, such as relationship problems or legal issues
Needing to drink more and more to feel the effects of alcohol (tolerance)
Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking, such as tremors, sweating, or anxiety
If you are experiencing any of these signs, it may be a good idea to consider seeking help for your drinking. It is important to remember that it is possible to enjoy alcohol in moderation and still lead a healthy and productive life.
Want to replace your glass of wine in the evening? Try a cup of tea before bed, work through this pack of 14 different tea flavors and see which one is your favorite.
Women who are sober-curious? Many drinkers interested in dabbling with sobriety or taking a break from drinking found this book life changing.
Love those hard seltzers? Regular seltzer works too, but you can be fancy with this Mood Boost sparkling water to give you a natural buzz with tasty different flavors.