AWA Reviews The Focus Project: The Not So Simple Art of Doing Less by Erik Qualman

Erik Qualman’s The Focus Project offers an exploration of what it truly means to prioritize and focus in a world where distractions are plentiful and time is limited. The book invites readers to embark on a journey of doing less but doing it with greater intentionality and impact. As the wellness partner for the Knowledge Management & Innovation for Legal Conference, where Qualman is a keynote speaker, I found many parallels between his insights and the core messages in my book, Attorney Wellness Advocate.

The central tenet of The Focus Project is the challenge Qualman sets for himself and his readers: to create a list of priorities, narrow it down using his refined methods, and then spend an entire month hyper-focusing on each priority. This methodology of intense, dedicated focus on a single goal each month resonates deeply with me, and aligns with many of the principles I espouse in my own work.

Health as a Priority is a Parallel in Both Books

One section that particularly stood out to me was Chapter 4: Health. In the world of self-help and professional development books, health and wellness often take a back seat to productivity hacks and career strategies. However, Qualman rightly recognizes that without a foundation of good health, rooted in exercise, nutrition, and proper habits, our ability to focus and succeed is fundamentally compromised. His understanding of the integral role that physical well-being plays in our daily lives aligns with the core messages of Attorney Wellness Advocate, where I argue for approaching health and wellness with the same strategies and vigor as you do in your career and law practice.

Qualman’s anecdote about choosing to skip the airline’s gelatin dessert on a flight to Paris but indulging in a fresh chocolate croissant upon arrival was a relatable story about mindful decision-making. It mirrors a chapter in Attorney Wellness Advocate where I emphasize the value of quality in our dietary choices and making eating a treat to be enjoyed as a full experience. There's a profound difference between consuming high-quality foods crafted from whole, natural ingredients made by an artisan that you can only get in a certain location versus ultra-processed options that might remain technically "edible" for years in your pantry. Thinking about benefits and consequences, and delaying gratification for more satisfying outcomes, is truly strategic thinking when it comes to better food choices.

Understanding Your Circadian Rhythms for Better Sleep

Another highlight from The Focus Project is Qualman’s discussion on sleep, circadian rhythms, and the importance of aligning your work with your natural energy levels. He categorizes people into three types of birds: robins, eagles and owls. These days, I am a robin, thriving in the early morning hours. There's something special about the quiet before the world wakes up; a secret time of day that only a few chosen people get to experience.

Between 5 am and 8 am, during this secret club meeting of one, my thoughts are uninterrupted, and my brain feels the sharpest. I also find my mood is naturally elevated first thing in the morning. After a solid night’s sleep, I find my creativity and productivity peak in those early hours. It’s my most focused, undisturbed time, and I protect it fiercely. I’m also a big believer in optimizing for the best sleep possible to truly make the most of early morning productivity, and I can’t recommend blackout curtains enough. They're a game changer for achieving that deep, restorative rest that makes early mornings so powerful.

Creativity as a Wellness Practice as a Common Theme

Qualman also delves into the often-overlooked importance of creativity as a key component of focus and well-being. He argues, much like I do in my book, that giving your brain the space to rest and explore can yield incredible results. When you step away from constant work and allow yourself to engage in something creative, something that can easily be incorporated with your family time, you create the conditions for breakthroughs.

In my experience, some of the best ideas come when I’m not thinking about work at all. There’s a natural clarity that emerges when the pressure is off, and solutions often surface when you least expect them. Creative expression isn't just a break; it’s a powerful tool for solving problems and finding new perspectives.

Qualman’s methodology of intense, dedicated focus on a single priority each month perfectly aligns with my recent experience of launching a new Instagram account to promote Attorney Wellness Advocate. If you don’t know me, I am not a fan of social media platforms. The only reason I have a LinkedIn account is because I was forced to make one for a job over a decade ago. Yet, I committed to posting a new video on my brand new Instagram account (almost) every day until I had 25 posts. It wasn’t easy, and I certainly don’t consider myself an influencer, but two months later, I’m glad I did it. Not only have I connected with new people, but I truly enjoy the creative outlet of making short videos.

It demonstrates that when we commit to a single focus, be it for personal growth, professional development, or creative exploration, we can achieve meaningful results if we just set the goal and remain consistent in its execution.

A Practical Path Forward that Starts Today!

The Focus Project is reminiscent of other great works like Essentialism and Atomic Habits, both of which Qualman references in his book. These are two of my favorite books because of their practical, no-nonsense advice on how to excel professionally while maintaining personal integrity and balance. What sets Qualman’s book apart is his unique challenge to readers: to take one focus area per month and dive deep. It’s a methodical approach that, much like my advice in Attorney Wellness Advocate, encourages starting now, today, to make meaningful changes.

If you’re looking to streamline your life, enhance your productivity, or simply want to find a way to do less but achieve more, I highly recommend giving The Focus Project a read. It provides a clear, actionable framework that could complement the journey of any lawyer or  professional seeking a more focused, balanced, and fulfilling life. Why not take on the Focus Challenge for the next 12 months? You might just find it to be a transformative experience.



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Attorney Wellness Advocate (The Book!) Now Available on Amazon and Kindle